The Warrior Family

The Warrior Family

Be your kids HERO, one memory at at time!

The other day, my son Caleb expressed to my wife his frustration with the kids at his school. When she asked what the issue was, he said, "No one at school likes the sports that I do!"

My wife then asked what those sports were, he responded "Soccer, and Crossfit". Amused by this, my wife took the opportunity to ask Caleb to name his favorite athletes...this is what struck home with me.

Caleb responded, "Jason Khalipa, Rich Froning, Kendrick J. Farris, and Daddy"

Now, I'm in no way a world famous athlete, or even an elite level Crossfitter, but I know, in the eyes of my two boys, that I'm a hero.

Today, we took the boys out to walk the Freedom Fitness Trail here at Fort Benning. While there, we talked about life, had a pull-up / toes-to-bar competition, and even went topless (yes, it was that kind of party!). This simple family event was not only free, but I was exactly what the boys needed in their life at the time.

I had recently finished my workout at the gym here on post, drove out to the trail, and ran to catch up with my wife, dog, and two boys. The both of them were waiting to start our competition.

The trail is about two miles long, and had a series of stations that had predetermined exercises which you could do to measure your fitness level. Of course, we all tried the "Champion" exercises which were more difficult than the others. As we'd walk from one station to the other, we would catch up on what's going on in school, hear about the millions of things you could do on Mine Craft, and talk about the good, bad, and ugly of what happened this past week. But when it was time to "get-it-in", we would! Pull-ups, uphill sprints, L-sits, and dips were no match for us! Mateo was pulling security the whole time with his "swords", while Caleb and I had to go topless to deal with the heat (according to Caleb, our guns are fully loaded).

So, how is it that I made it to the Hero list? One memory at a time.

Growing up, the memories that I had involving my parents usually involved them being at work, or my brother and I going to work with them to lend a helping hand. Though this was necessary, it didn't really present an example of the type of life I wanted when I got older. Knowing this, my wife and I try to give our kids as many memories as possible. These experiences that we share together are what they will tell their kids about, and will serve as a model for them when it comes to having families of their own.

It's easy for us to say that we're tied up at work, and that our days have gotten the best of us. But think towards the future, and what stories your kids will tell about you. Are you the type of person that puts your children second in life? Did you head straight for the couch, crack open a cold one, and watch t.v.?

Forget that! Not us. We're better than that, and so are you.

When you ask kids who their heroes are, they may tell you its some basketball star, some fictional character in a book, or one of those cool action heroes like Iron Man - but, what about you?

Be proactive in writing your story. Make yourself the person that your kids will remember most in life. Get yourself on that list!

Take your kids to the park, have a wrestling match with them, share one of your childhood memories with them, anything. Make the effort, do your part, fight to make your family better. 

This is what we're all about.

Fight on friends! - The Warrior Family

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Unknown said...

Great post, Erick! My kids "go to work" with me a lot since I substitute teach at their school and I coach here at the house. We are trying to teach them work ethic and building something from nothing as a family but I forget they need Shane and I away from the "work" atmosphere as well. Thanks for the reminder. Keep Writing!

Unknown said...

Thanks for the comment, Mitzi!
Your kids have always been so supportive. I'd like to see where their minds take them in the future. You guys set a great example, you all are a Warrior Family!

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